Friday, October 9, 2015



A Candidate of orthopaedics and traumatologic always makes an effort to have an excellent mark in musculoskeletal system examination. The challenge is still the examiner’s subjectivity of the examination of the candidate’s competence evaluation, according to orthopaedics and traumatologic curriculum. Competency measurement during orthopedics and traumatologic education is expected to become the candidate’s ability for future practice or to be adequate the requirement for higher degree education, and meet knowledge, skill, attitude and professionalism of learning objectives. A successful candidate’s marks in the examination should be correlated with educational institution curriculum in teaching.   Therefore, how does the examiner achieve the objective assessment in orthopaedics and traumatologic examination?

A Candidate should focus on the materials of orthopaedics and traumatologic learning and the educational institution should prepare the objectives in details and clearly specify the content of the assessment. It’s correlated with the learning competent education and feasible to be carried out and the assessment of orthopaedics and traumatologic examination should be objective and transparent, valid, reliable and feasible. 

Definition of objectives is a marks decision without influenced by examiner personal, feelings, interpretations, or prejudice. The marks based on facts and unbiased. Transparent assessment means opened, clear and accountability of the final decision making of the Candidate’s mark and because of those objectives contents of the education learning are essential in orthopaedic and traumatologic examination.

Valid assessment is the highest priority of the musculoskeletal system examination but invalid evaluation will not represent the contents of the learning objective issues in the orthopaedic and traumatologic curriculum education. Subjective evaluation can result in bias musculoskeletal system examination decision and will not evaluate the important knowledge and skill of the musculoskeletal system that can lead to be an invalid decision regarding a Candidate passing the examination. Concerning, ambiguity or unclear questions can affect the marks of the assessment’s decision in examination.

Reliable assessment of orthopaedics and traumatologic examination should be achieved by the examiner staffs experiences. The reliable assessment of the orthopaedics and traumatologic should be consistent and indicates precision the marks are similar from a different examiner or other various conditions. The reliability is varied and depends on the assessment format and marking quality. Because of that, Indonesian National Board Examination of the Orthopaedic and Traumatologic should decide the number of examiner staffs, severity of patients, places, organizing team, transportation and cost needed at orthopaedics and traumatologic examination.

The Examiner staffs must be an excellent orthopaedics and traumatologic clinical educator at educational institution and they are as a role model in teaching. The examiner staffs are also an expert in teaching method, long-life learner, having responsibility to their residents. The examiner is always focused on the best learning method of the residents and provides health services for patient and community. The examiners staffs are also an effective communicator, facilitator, and reviewer for their residents and patients. Clinical teachers are as a role model and professional who always implement the medical ethics including: (1) respect the decision of others health providers and patient’s decision, (2) beneficence intervention for patient and always avoids malaficence, and (3) social justice in health care services. Clinical teachers are also expected to decrease the health care services cost per capita and have a sufficient sense of humor. The role model of the orthopaedics and traumatologic examiners should be oriented to include:

a)      Orthopaedic and traumatologic content for residents.
b)      How to teach the orthopaedic and traumatologic content.
c)      The person who will teach.
d)      The clinical teachers know whether the residents understand the orthopaedics and traumatologic content in learning.

Therefore, the orthopaedic and traumatologic assessment guideline is really needed to know how well the acquisition of the musculoskeletal system competency is achieved during the learning process.
The problem is the examiner staff’s off of always focused on the knowledge only and they are subject to tendency of subjective assessment. Validity and reliability assessment remain controversial or bias. The examiners objectivity varies and often fails to observe the candidate’s communication ability and professional-attitude. Therefore, the question will be how many examiners and patients needed to improve the performance and feasibility of the objective examination.

Now, according to above problem I attempt to make the objectives evaluation of the examiner of the orthopaedics and traumatologic examination guidance and material content in details and well stated to achieve objectives and transparent, valid, reliable, objective outcome without prejudice and disparities. 

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