Tuesday, December 8, 2015



A feature of clinical problem is the issue related to the context of clinical medicine and it is more a tool. The summary of clinical feature problem is one or some trigger clinical signs for discussion between the Candidate and the Examiners. These triggers are always relevant, interesting and provocative at the discussion in the orthopaedic and traumatologic exam. The clinical problem could be documented in writing, photos of clinical sign, audio or video tape.

Adequate discussion of the trigger clinical features is important and there are a number of strategies to ensure the objectives and transparent, valid and reliable marks achieved. Therefore, the discussion of the key feature of clinical problem is a fundamental aspect for the Candidate passing in orthopaedics and traumatologic examination objectively. The discussion may be extended the basic medical and clinical sciences questions by the Examiners (illustration 4).

Illustration 4: Extended of Question’s discussion
A–17-year male came to consultation with complaint of pain with swollen of the right knee.

Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
The Examiners should be able to evaluate:
a.       The Candidate ability to complete the history taking, physical examination and investigation related the possibility or accurate diagnosis of the illness
b.      The Candidate ability to predict acute and long-term problem of the illness
c.       The Candidate ability to plan the management and outcome
d.      The Candidate ability to predict the complications.  
e.       The Candidate ability to have a good attitude and professionalism
How the candidate solves the patient complaint
According to the scenario and patient complaint, the Candidate should be able to summarize that epidemiology: patient is male and young, clinical feature: history of the illness and physical examination and investigations are incomplete (table ?). The Candidate is able to ask some questions for collecting history taking, physical examination and investigations for achieving accurate diagnosis.
The Candidate should be able to predict probabilities of the patient based on pain and swollen body part complaining such as: (1) trauma for instances fracture or dislocation of the right knee or (2) non - trauma such as: infection, inflammations, degenerative joint or malignancy of the right knee.
The Examiners are able to evaluate the Candidate ability to complete the key data for analyzing.  The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experiences of the Examiner for getting the objective, valid and reliable mark.
Part A: The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for some possibilities or accurate diagnosis determination
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
a.       The completeness of information or data for accurate diagnosis or other possibility
The first the Examiner question: What’s the possibilities according to scenario?
According to the scenario and patient complaint, the Candidate should be able to consider a conclusion and much information or data must be collected completely (table 31).
Table 31: List information of the scenario
Medical sciences
Male and young patient
Clinical features:
·         History taking: Pain (incomplete information)
·         Physical examination: Swollen (incomplete information)
·         Investigation: No information
·         Diagnosis: should be discussed
·         Acute and long-term problem should be discussed
Anatomy and pathophysiology
The Examiners Should be able to discuss
Management, promotion and prevention
The Examiners Should be able to discuss
The Examiners Should be able to discuss
The Examiners are able to evaluate the Candidate ability of some questions for collection history taking, physical examination and investigations data or information based on abnormality probabilities of the patient. The Examiners are able to discuss the incomplete or no information and others on table 21 above. The Candidate should be able to predict the illness probabilities of the patient based on pain and swollen complaining such as: (1) trauma for instances fracture or dislocation of the right knee or (2) non - trauma such as: infection, inflammation, degenerative joint or malignancy of the right knee.
The Examiners are able to evaluate the Candidate ability to complete the key data for analyzing.  The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experienced of the Examiner for getting the objective, valid and reliable mark.
The Candidate is able to ask the other symptoms in history taking and clinical signs of the physical examination and investigations for achieving septic arthritis of the knee joint diagnosis. The Examiners evaluate the ability of the Candidate to collect the entire data/information. The Candidate focuses on clinical feature problem while considering the probable abnormalities or illness, subsequently to complete the data of every differential diagnosis (hypothesis). The Examiners will discuss every Candidate’s question about his/her reasoning. How the Examiners evaluate the Candidate ability to sort a cluster of clinical features of the patient. The Examiners evaluate how the Candidate integrate, interpret and analyze all the data for making probabilities or accurate diagnosis (clinical reasoning). The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experiences of the Examiner for getting the objective, valid and reliable marks.
The Candidate ability to present that patient has a trauma one week ago and there was wound on the dorsal of the right forefoot. The patient was able to walk without limping. Because of that, the Candidate is able to predict infection or sepsis is first choice (wound is the risk factor) and then inflammation, degeneration, and malignancy of the right knee based on patient’s complaint. The Candidate can exclude degeneration because of age and without malignancy history. Based on collection of data, the Candidate is able to determine: A- 17- year male, inability bearing weight, history of excoriation on the anterior of the patella cause of trauma one week ago, febrile and tachycardic. Physical examine data: swollen, erythematous, elevated temperature at right knee, positive fluctuation tests and limited movement of knee joint. Laboratory values WBC, ESR and C-RP (45 mg/L) are a bit elevated. Radiographs examination showed widening of the articular space. The patient denies malignancy and inflammatory history and he is a young patient. Synovial fluid aspiration supports infection process (staphylococcus aureus microorganism is positive). Analysis synovial fluid shows a WBC is more 50.000/mm 3 but WBC is less elevated in gonococcus joint infection. Septic arthritis cannot be excluded if negative culture in chronic condition that cause of by organism of low virulence. Acute rheumatic fever or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and CPPD should be excluded by the clinical signs and laboratory investigation data. Conclusion is septic arthritis of the knee joint. The Candidate ability to explain the septic arthritis of the knee joints that cause of microorganism inoculation into the joint directly by penetration or hematogenous. 
Part B: The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
a.     The Candidate ability to decide acute and long-term problem of the illness
The Examiner will discuss the acute and long-term problem based on the Candidate hypothesis and severity of the septic arthritis of the knee joint. The Candidate will contribute his/her view perception on a problem and the Examiners evaluate the Candidate ability to explain the solution of patient’s suffering or accurate diagnosis and how the Candidate to prevent by promoting the septic arthritis of the knee joint for individual and community. The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experiences of the Examiner for getting the objective, valid and reliable marks.
The Candidate has an ability to explain that septic arthritis is the most common caused by direct or indirect inoculation of bacterial and grow well in the knee joint. The condition is an orthopaedic emergency management. Septic arthritis of the knee joint can damage the articular hyaline cartilage due to the release of proteolytic enzymes from the bacteria as well as host synovial cells, chondrocytes and inflammatory cells. Proteolytic enzymes include collagenase, elastase, hyaluronidase, lipase and lipoproteinase. Bacterial virulence factors also contribute to cartilage destruction for example is coagulase produced by staphylococcus aureus and it can impair intracapsular vascular supply due to small vessel thrombosis. The increasing of intraarticular pressure of the knee joint cause of pus accumulation contributes reducing of patient’s immune response. In acute problem of septic arthritis is bacteremia or a systemic inflammatory syndrome (SIRS) with the signs are tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension and end organ damage particularly immunocompromised patient. Some publications reported the mortality rate about 10%. Long-term problem are degeneration and fusion of the joint. In infants and children may contribute to joint destruction or physeal damage and then growth problem.  Loss knee joint function usually occurs in older patients and chronic infection may never be eradicated.
Others problem of septic arthritis management are antibiotic allergy and aspiration synovial fluid aspiration. Technique aspiration procedure must be aseptic method strictly.
b.    The Candidate ability to plan the management and outcome
Acute septic arthritis of the knee joint is emergency antibiotic therapy and decompression surgical drainage should be considered (Red Flags).
The Candidate is able to tell the outcome or prognosis after intervention or without treatment and complications of the illness in the discussion with the Examiners. The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experiences of the Examiners for getting the objective, valid and reliable marks.
The Candidate should be able to start broad spectrum antibiotic intravenous injection as soon as possible after obtaining joint fluid aspiration for microorganism culture and then the antibiotic will be changed based on the result of the sensitivities test. Furthermore, surgical decompression, irrigation and drainage by arthroscopic should be considered. Open arthrotomy is an indicated because of rapid, irreversible cartilage damage or no improvement to antibiotic treatment in 24 to 48 hours. In chronic situation, fusion of the joint or even amputation may be considered. Splinting immobilization should be applied during infection subsided and then start rehabilitation of the knee joint. The result of this management are good because of function will be normal.
c.     The Candidate ability to predict the complications. 
The complications have been discussed above (a).
Part C: The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism. 
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
1.      The Candidate ability to show a good attitude in the illness health care services in septic arthritis of the knee joint discussion. What is Candidate plan the beneficence management orientation and avoid malaficence in the health care intervention on the discussion?
2.      The Candidate ability of good professionalism in septic arthritis of the knee joint  health care services
·         The Examiners should evaluate the professionalism of the Candidate. He/she should enhance the quality of medical care delivered based on biopsychosociol-cultural knowledge for patient in septic arthritis of the knee joint discussion.
·         The Examiners should evaluate the Candidate decision making of the priority management among some options based on the evidence of medicine (EBM) in the discussion. What is the candidate management decision in health care and the reasoning of explanation mechanism, advantages and disadvantages clearly and knowledgeable to the patient?
·         The Candidate is able to explain the discussion questions of the Examiner. It depends on his/her experiences of the Examiner for getting the objective, valid and reliable marks.

Table 32. List of septic arthritis of the knee joint evaluation
The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking and physical examination data collection for diagnosis or other possibilities determination
(complete & correct)
Incomplete presentation  or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
The Candidate ability to complete the history taking, physical examination and investigation related to the septic arthritis of the knee joint in discussion
The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  
(complete & correct)
(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
1.      The Candidate ability to predict acute and long-term problem of the septic arthritis of the knee joint in discussion
2.       The Candidate ability to plan the management and outcome of the septic arthritis of the knee joint in discussion
3.      The Candidate ability to predict the complication of the septic arthritis of the knee joint in discussion.  
The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism. 
(complete & correct)
(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
The Candidate ability to show good attitude and professionalism in septic arthritis of the knee joint discussion
Total marks (Part A + B + C)
Part A: The Candidate ability to complete the history taking, physical examination and investigation related to the possibility of the illness
      • Marks 30: Candidate presents the history taking, physical examination and investigation and analyze key data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint completely and correctly
      • Marks 20: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting history taking or physical examination and investigation needed or a mistake analyzing data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of history taking, physical examination, investigation and analyzing of the key data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
Part B: The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  
      • Marks 20: Candidate presents the acute and long-term problem or management planning, or complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint completely and correctly.
      • Marks 15: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting of the acute and long-term problem determination or management planning, or complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
      • Maximal marks of part B is 60
Part C: The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism:
      • Marks 10: Candidate ability to show a good attitude and basic medical and clinical knowledge to decide management based on evidence (professionalism) in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
      • Marks 6: Impolite attitude in discussion between Candidate and patient/Examiners but the Candidate is a good basic medical and clinical knowledge and management decision based on evidence in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint.  
      • Marks 0: Impolite attitude and Candidate is also a bad basic medical and clinical knowledge without evidence management decision in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
Table 33. Other evaluation list of septic arthritis of the knee joint
Part A:
The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for some possibilities or accurate diagnosis determination
(complete & correct)
20 complete presentation  or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
Ability to collect the key data of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for septic arthritis of the knee joint diagnosis determination in discussion
Part B:
The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  
(complete & correct)
(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
Ability to determine acute and long-term problem, select the best option of the management  and to decide the complication of the septic arthritis of the knee joint in discussion
Part C:
The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism. 
(complete & correct)
(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question
(incorrect or no response)
Ability to show a good attitude and professionalism in the septic arthritis of the knee joint discussion
Total Marks (Part A + B + C)

MARKS of Part A:
      • Marks 30: Candidate presents the history taking, physical examination and investigation and analyze key data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint completely and correctly
      • Marks 20: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting history taking or physical examination and investigation needed or a mistake analyzing data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of history taking, physical examination, investigation and analyzing of the key data of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
MARKS of Part B:
      • Marks 60: Candidate presents the acute and long-term problem, management planning, and complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint completely and correctly.
      • Marks 45: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
MARKS of Part C:
·         Marks 10: Candidate ability to show a good attitude and basic medical and clinical knowledge to decide management based on evidence (professionalism) in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint
      • Marks 6: Impolite attitude in discussion between Candidate and patient/Examiners but the Candidate is a good basic medical and clinical knowledge and management decision based on evidence in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint.  
      • Marks 0: Impolite attitude and Candidate is also a bad basic medical and clinical knowledge without evidence management decision in health care services of the septic arthritis of the knee joint  

Conclusion = Part A + Part B + Part C
·         Marks: 85-90 is superior
·         Marks: 79-84 is excellent
·         Marks: 69-78 is pass; and
·         Marks: 60-68 is fail
·         Marks: 85-90 is superior
·         Marks: 76-86 is excellent
·         Marks: 65-75 is pass; and
·         Marks: ≤ 65 is fail
1.      Adam JC (1978). Outline of Fracture. Churchill Livingstone. London
2.      Armis (2005). Musculoskeletal Competency: Guidelines for Medical Students, PCPs (Primary Care Physician) and Residents in Training. Unit Pelayanan Kampus. FK UGM. Jogjakarta.
3.      Beaty JH and Kasser JR, edits (2008). Rockwood and Wilkin Fractures in Adult. 7 th edition, Lippincott  Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia USA
4.       Bernstein JB (2008). Musculoskeletal Medicine. AAOS, Rosemont
5.      Canale ST and Beaty JH.edits (2013). Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics. 12th edit. Elsevier. Philadelphia USA.
6.      Greene WB. Edit (2001). Essentially Musculoskeskeletal Care. AAOS, Rosemont
7.      Solomon L and Nayagam S (2010). Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures. 9th Edition, HODDER & ARNOLD, London, British.
8.      Toy EC, Rosenbaum AJ, Robert, TT and Dines JS (2013). Case Files: Orthopaedic Surgery. McGraw Hill Education. New York.

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