Friday, October 16, 2015


Case Examination:

A 16-year-old male came to orthopaedic consultation complaining pain during weight bearing, valgus angulation right distal lower leg with shortening. He had open right lower leg fracture and had been operated debridement and internal K-wire fixation of the fibula with external fixation of the tibia 11 months ago. Physical examination revealed valgus angulation and 11 x 7 cm cicatric on antero-medial aspect of the right distal lower leg without sinus. AP and lateral projections radiographs of the right lower leg showed a gap on tibia and fibula and closed of medullary canal of the fragments fracture end with K-wire fixation and bowing to medial. On the tibia showed external fixation without callus formation and a bit medial angulation (Fig.6).

Fig.6 AP and lateral projections radiographs of right lower leg
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
The Examiners should be able to assess the Candidate ability:
1.      To describe and interpret the radiographs of the patient completely
2.      To illustrate past illness at 11 months ago clearly
3.      To collect physical examination data completely
4.      To plan the management and complication of the patient

Part A: The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for some possibilities or accurate diagnosis determination
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
The Examiner should be able to assess:
1.      The Candidate ability to describe the radiographs of the right lower leg.
The first point, Candidate describes the radiographs AP and lateral views show: medial bowing of the apex of gap with internal K-wire of the fibula and external fixation modification using between upper and lower part of the tibia fragments. There is the gap about 2 cm, no callus formation and valgus angulation of the distal fragment plus sequester on the end of the proximal fragment. Based on pain on the weight bearing and valgus angulation of the distal part of the right lower leg; the Candidate is able to decide the most likely problem is non-union of the right distal tibia and fibula with chronic osteomyelitis directly.
The Candidate should be able to explain pathogenesis of non-union and risk factors. Infection rate of open fracture related to the open fracture grading or classification. Poorly controlled diabetic patient inhibit process wound healing and infection fighting-capabilities. Radiographic, computed tomography (CT scan) and others advanced investigations are able to detect non-union by carefully describing.
2.      The Candidate ability to illustrate past illness history at 11 months ago clearly
The Candidate should be able to illustrate the history and physical examination of the open fracture of the right distal lower leg 11 months ago and its management such as: irrigation and debridement, reduction internal fixation of the fibula and external fixation of the tibia in detail and completely until serial debridement and antibiotic in follow up care services.
Open distal fractures of the right lower leg are damage vascularization region and high-energy trauma, therefore the Candidate should identify life threatening, history and physical examination, neurovascular status, size of the soft tissue defect, periosteal stripping, bone loss, contamination for obtaining open fracture classification based on Gustilo-Anderson (table 25) and lack of healing process. The history of irrigation with sterile saline solution, antibiotic and antitetanus agents should be performed in the initial treatment of the open fracture. No consensus regarding optimal volume sterile saline solution in irrigation. But debridement procedure and systemic antibiotic should be as soon as possible. Irrigation and debridement ideally occurs within 6-8 hours from the time injury, even a little data to support this intervention. This intervention and systemic antibiotic delay are the risks factors for infection. These data are important the prognosis of the patient.
Table 25: GUSTILO and ANDERSON open fracture classification




Open fracture, clean wound <1 cm in length, simple fracture pattern


Open fracture, wound >1 cm in length without extensive soft tissue damage, minimal fracture comminution and contamination


Open fracture, extensive soft tissue damage, severe fracture comminution or segmental pattern. This type also includes farm injuries and fracture open for > 8 hours before treatment


Type III fracture with extensive soft tissue damage but adequate periosteal coverage of the bone


Type III fracture with extensive soft tissue damage and periosteal stripping, requires soft tissue damage procedure


Type III fracture with an arterial injury requiring repair
The ultimate goal of management open fracture is a clean wound with viable tissue. Therefore removing all foreign bodies, dead tissues by irrigation and debridement and antibiotic broad spectrum as soon as possible to prevent infection, reduction and fixation are important. Re-debridement procedure may be necessary after 1-2 days after treatment.  Now, the patient problems are osteomyelitis, non-union and valgus deformity of the right distal lower leg.
3.      The Candidate ability to collect physical examination data.
The Candidate should be able to determine the general condition patient is good conditions and antalgic gait. The Candidate should be able to present local examination data:
·         Look: muscle atrophy, shortening, and cicatrix on anterior aspect of the distal right lower leg, no sinus and discharge, valgus deformity and modification external fixator set on the tibia.
·         Feel: Decrease power muscles of the right lower extremity and no tenderness, and
·         Move: ROM of the right knee is full but ROM of the right ankle is limited.
4.      The Candidate ability to decide accurate diagnosis
Base on the information of the history taking and data of physical examination and radiographics above, the Candidate should be able to conclude accurate diagnosis is non-union, osteomyelitis and valgus deformity. There are 4 type of non-union include:
a)       Atrophic or avascular non-union cause by lack of biologic capacity to heal or there is no evidence of cellular activity at the level of the fracture. The end fractures fragments are typically narrow, rounded and osteoporotic and frequently avascular.
b)      Hypertrophic non-union with the biological activity but it’s a lack capacity healing because of an inadequate fixation. The end of fracture fragments are hypertrophic callus formation.
c)       Oligotrophic non-union
This patient is infected non-union. Untreated atrophic and hypertrophic non-union can become pseudoarthrosis. The synovial-lined capsule envelops the bone ends of fracture fragments with synovial fluid content.
Table 26: List of part A evaluation

Part A:

The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for some possibilities or accurate diagnosis determination

30 (complete &cor-rect)


Incomplet presentation  or correct response of stimulation question)


(incor-rect or no res-ponse)


The candidate ability to collect the data of the history taking, physical examination and investigation for non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis determination in discussion.


§  Marks 30: Candidate presents the history taking, physical examination and investigation and analyze key data for non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis determination completely and correctly
§  Marks 20: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting history taking or physical examination and investigation needed or a mistake analyzing data for non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis determination correctly.
§  Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of history taking, physical examination, investigation and analyzing of the key data for non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis determination.

Part B: The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
a.     The Candidate ability to decide acute and long-term problem
Non-union of the tibia and fibula become a pseudoarthrosis in a long-term problem. The Candidate should be able to explain pathogenesis of non-union and risk factors. The incidence of non-union will be increased in open fracture grade III caused of infection and unstable K wire fixation in the right fibula and external fixation modification set on the right tibia. The other caused is poorly controlled diabetic patient because of the inhibition process wound healing and infection fighting-capabilities. Osteomyelitis rate will be increased after open fracture grade III and inadequate antibiotics treatment and concerning valgus deformity could be inadequate K wire and external fixation modification set of the fracture fragments or early weight bearing mobilization of the patient.
The Candidate should remember acute pain and lower leg angulation are the first problem to this patient caused by non-union and chronic osteomyelitis of the right tibia and fibula, and limping may be involved and affect daily activity of living. Chronic osteomyelitis long-term problem may be become active, sepsis and death. The other long-term problems are decreased patient activity that can lead to lack lower quality of life of this patient.
b.    The Candidate ability to plan the management and complication of the patient
The Candidate should be able to inform the technique of surgery in detail, clearly and completely to this patient. There are three abnormalities in this case:
1)        The Candidate should be able to understand the pathology of chronic osteomyelitis that characterized by presence of bacterial biofilm and bacterial resistance to host defenses and antibiotic and often requires surgical debridement intervention with long-term systemic antibiotic using. The Candidate should order laboratory examination especially ESR and CRP which are elevated in more than 90% of osteomyelitis cases as regards to WBC count is only positive approximately 40% of cases. Chronic osteomyelitis patient should be performed debridement, sequesterectomy, surgical drainage and antibiotic therapy.
2)        Angulation of the right lower leg contributes to abnormal weight bearing axis and may lead to early weight bearing joints degeneration. Therefore, the Candidate should be able to explain the problem’s solution is an achieving normal alignment/axis of the tibia and the same length with the left side of the lower extremity. Now, the question “Is that attainable?”
3)        Preparation the step of surgery includes:
·         Location of the incision an surgical approach removal of implants of the tibia and fibula
·         Debridement and sequesterectomy and
·         How to achieve the normal anatomy length and axis of the right lower leg, and
·         Preparing of implants type using.
Before debridement the Candidate removes K-wire and external fixation and then reduces and fixed the fibula by plate and screws.
All fibrous tissues in the fibula and tibia gap should be removed or debridement and decortication and then surgical drainage and sequesterectomy. If during debridement the candidate didn’t find pus the internal implant fixation can be used. The Candidate must reduce fibula fragments firstly and fixed by narrow plate 6 holes so the anatomical length of the tibia can be achieved. After fixing of the tibia by plate and screws, the graft of the illiac crest put in the gap (fig.7).
Fig.7: After surgery intervention
1.      The Candidate ability to predict the complications
The Candidate should be able to predict complications that have been treated with antibiotics and surgical intervention. Patient can lead to functional deficit of the extremity or early degeneration of the weight bearing joint. These complications depend on the amount of tissue debrided or non-vital structures have been removed after stabilization. The complications after surgery are infection, sepsis and Candidate should also to plan health promotion and disease prevention to this patient in detail clearly and completely.
Table 27: List of part B evaluation

Part B:

The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  


complete & correct)


Incomplete presentation  or correct response of stimulation question)


(incorrect or no response)


1.      Ability to determine the problem issue (acute and long-term problem patient) of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis in discussion:

2.      Ability to plan the management of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis in discussion

3.      Ability to predict the complications of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis in discussion


    • Marks 20: Candidate presents the acute and long-term problem or management planning, or complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient completely and correctly.
    • Marks 15: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting of the acute and long-term problem determination or management planning, or complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient correctly.
    • Mark/s 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient   
Part B. The objectives examination evaluation of the accurate diagnosis determination or possibilities of the abnormalities, patient’s problem, management and complications
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
The Examiner should be able to assess
1.      The Candidate capability to decide the acute and long-term problem of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis. The Candidate should be able to explain the problem of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient. The Examiner questions are varying depends on the Examiner experience for achieving objective, valid and reliable marking.
2.      The Candidate ability to plan the management decision of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis based on evidence (treatment algorithm)
The Candidate should be able to understand that the based on treatment depends on accurate diagnosis, treatment options according to evidence of medicine, patient need and facilities. The Examiner questions are varying depends on the Examiner experience for achieving objective, valid and reliable marking.
3.      The Candidate ability to predict the common complication of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis, promotion and prevention issues
The Candidate should be able to explain complication of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis, management complications, promotion and prevention of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient. The Examiner stimulates a few questions for achieving objective, valid and reliable marking.
Table 28: List of the evaluation marks of part B



Part B:

The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  


Complete & correct presentation

45 Incomplete presentation  or correct response of stimulation question


(incorrect or no response)


Ability to determine acute and long-term problem, select the best option of the management  and to decide the complication of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis in discussion

    • Marks 60: Candidate presents the acute and long-term problem, the management and complications prediction planning of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis completely and correctly
    • Marks 45: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting of the acute and long-term problem, management planning and complications prediction determination of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis correctly.
    • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis.  
Part C: The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism. 
Learning Objectives Evaluation in Examination
The Examiner should be able to assess:
1.      What is Candidate plan for the beneficial management orientation and to avoid maleficence in health care intervention on the discussion part B?
2.      The Candidate ability of good professionalism in chronic osteomyelitis with non-union health care services
b.      Professionalism Candidate should enhance the quality of medical care delivered based to biopsychosociol-cultural knowledge for patient in the discussion part B.
c.       What is the candidate management decision in health care and the reasoning of explanation mechanism, advantages and disadvantageous clearly and knowledgeable to the patient?
d.      Professionalism Candidate always makes decision of which management is the best management based on EBM in the discussion part B? What is the Candidate’s decision of management in health care? Does the Candidate explain the reasoning, the advantage and disadvantage to the patient clearly and knowledgeable enough?

Table 29: List of part C evaluation

Part C:

The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism.


(complete & correct)


Incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question


(incorrect or no response)


Ability to show a good attitude and professionalism management of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient in health care discussion


    • Marks 10: Candidate ability to show a good attitude and basic medical and clinical knowledge to decide management based on evidence (professionalism) in health care services of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient.
    • Marks 6: Impolite attitude in discussion between Candidate and patient/Examiners but the Candidate is a good basic medical and clinical knowledge and management decision based on evidence in health care services of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient.  
    • Marks 0: Impolite attitude and Candidate is also a bad basic medical and clinical knowledge without evidence management decision in health care services of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis patient.  

Conclusion total marks = part A + part B + part C
Table 30. Other evaluation list of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis



Part A:

The objectives examination evaluation of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for some possibilities or accurate diagnosis determination


(complete & correct)

20 complete presentation  or correct response of stimulation question


(incorrect or no response)


Ability to collect the key data of the history taking, physical examination and investigation data collection for non-union and chronic osteomyelitis diagnosis determination in discussion

Part B:

The objectives examination evaluation of the patient’s problem, management and complications  


(complete & correct)


(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question


(incorrect or no response)


Ability to determine acute and long-term problem, select the best option of the management  and to decide the complication non-union and chronic osteomyelitis in discussion

Part C:

The objectives examination evaluation of a good Candidate’s attitude and professionalism. 


(complete & correct)


(incomplete presentation or correct response of stimulation question


(incorrect or no response)


Ability to show a good attitude and professionalism in non-union and chronic osteomyelitis discussion

Total Marks (Part A + B + C)

MARKS of Part A:
      • Marks 30: Candidate presents the history taking, physical examination and investigation and analyze key data non-union and chronic osteomyelitis completely and correctly
      • Marks 20: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting history taking or physical examination and investigation needed or a mistake analyzing data non-union and chronic osteomyelitis correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of history taking, physical examination, investigation and analyzing of the key data non-union and chronic osteomyelitis
MARKS of Part B:
      • Marks 60: Candidate presents the acute and long-term problem, management planning, and complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis completely and correctly.
      • Marks 45: Incomplete data presentation or the Candidate is able to respond the examiner’s stimulation question about a mistake or omission of the interesting of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis correctly.
      • Marks 0: Candidate’s response is  not correct or he/she does not respond to the examiner’s stimulation question of the acute and long-term problem determination, management planning, and complications prediction of non-union and chronic osteomyelitis
MARKS of Part C:
·         Marks 10: Candidate ability to show a good attitude and basic medical and clinical knowledge to decide management based on evidence (professionalism) in health care services non-union and chronic osteomyelitis
      • Marks 6: Impolite attitude in discussion between Candidate and patient/Examiners but the Candidate is a good basic medical and clinical knowledge and management decision based on evidence in health care services non-union and chronic osteomyelitis.  
      • Marks 0: Impolite attitude and Candidate is also a bad basic medical and clinical knowledge without evidence management decision in health care services non-union and chronic osteomyelitis
Conclusion = Part A + Part B + Part C

·         Marks: 85-90 is superior

·         Marks: 79-84 is excellent

·         Marks: 69-78 is pass; and

·         Marks: 60-68 is fail

·         Marks: 85-90 is superior

·         Marks: 76-86 is excellent

·         Marks: 65-75 is pass; and

·         Marks: ≤ 65 is fail

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